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Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form

Transition into Year 12

We know that moving into sixth form is a significant moment as it marks the next stage in your educational journey.

It is both an exciting and challenging time for students as you delve deeper into those subjects that you are most passionate about and juggle this with extensive co-curricular and extra-curricular activities as well as preparation for university, apprenticeship and career applications.

That is why we invest a significant amount of time in making sure you are as ready as possible for the start of Year 12. We hold a range of transition and induction events, including QE6 open events, open evenings and assemblies; taster days; coffee mornings; interviews with the Senior Leadership Team; Induction Day; and enrolment support on GCSE results day. We provide the support and guidance to ensure you are on the right pathway and select the best courses to help you meet your future goals and aspirations.

Your first day in September is Year 7 and 12 only, allowing you the time to meet your Form Tutor, dedicated Learning Mentor and peers whilst you settle into your new environment. In truth, transition never ends. You will always receive the assistance that you need throughout your time at QE6, in whatever way you need it. Our mission is to empower and equip you, so you are future ready for the life and career ahead of you.