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Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form

Drama & Theatre


 A Level

Exam Board


Entry Requirements

  • Grade 5 or higher in GCSE Drama preferred
  • Grade 5 or higher in GCSE English preferred 

Course Overview

A Level Drama and Theatre is designed to continue to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the language of drama and theatre as well as to develop their performance and analytical skills. The aim of A Level Drama is to enable students to operate more independently and with confidence within a drama and theatre context. This course is suitable for anyone with a passion for Drama and performing and who want to extend their speaking and listening skills to ensure future success.

Assessment Methods

Component 1 - Understanding Drama - 80 Marks - 40%

Written Exam - Three Sections. Section A and B require students to answer questions about two set texts they have studied. Section C requires students to write about a piece of live theatre they have seen. This work is externally assessed.

Component 2 - Creating Original Drama (Devising) - 60 Marks - 30%

Students create a devised piece of drama, alongside the practical work students create a Devising Log, recording their rationale, research, development and refinement of the work they have created. This work is internally assessed and externally moderated.

Component 3 - Making Theatre (TIP) - 60 Marks - 30%

Students explore 3 different texts, using the methodology of a different theatre practitioner for each. The third text is performed to an external examiner and students create a reflective report of their processes. Across the course you will cover at least 3 different practitioners in detail and be expected to research the social, cultural and historical context for multiple play texts. This work is externally assessed.

QE6 Extras / Co-Curriculum Opportunities

  • Arts Award
  • Drama Leaders
  • Shakespeare Schools Festival
  • Continue to support and take roles in school productions


It is a common misconception that Drama is just for those who wish to act and it may be of interest to know that there are a variety of career pathways our students can take. These include; teacher, lawyer, event manager, journalist, scenic artist, costume designer, make-up artist, lighting or sound engineer and drama therapist to list a few. The transferable communication, interpersonal and organisation skills are strongly sought after by potential employers. Oxbridge and Russell Group universities recognise Drama and Theatre A Level as both a challenging and academic qualification and it is an often sought after qualification to accompany core and classic A Level courses, as it shows a well-rounded, socially adaptable, confident, analytical and creative thinker.